Discover the world of property investment, from strategies to tax implications. Explore REITs and ETFs for diverse investment options.
Learn to cut costs and save money with practical tips on budgeting, meal planning, and reducing household expenses.
Discover how to travel affordably with expert tips on planning, booking, and saving money during your trip.
Master the art of negotiation in property deals. Tips for tenants and landlords to secure favorable terms and save money.
Learn how stress impacts finances and ways to manage it effectively for a happier, healthier life.
Ditch the word “budgeting” for a healthier relationship with money. Spy, court, plan: steps to financial bliss. No condemnation, just data and progress.
Being frugal ≠ being cheap. Mindful eating enhances experience. Plan meals, shop smart, treasure dining out. Prioritize health & happiness.
Explore my top book recommendations covering personal finance, business, mindset, and even fiction for a well-rounded reading list.
Diversify income streams: Real estate, stocks (ETFs), businesses, side hustles. Prepare for the unexpected with multiple revenue sources.
Short review of eBucks, Clicks, WRewards, Smart Shopper, and Dis-Chem, Starbucks and Krispy Kreme perks!
Allocate funds for monthly fees, yearly costs, and unforeseen emergencies to avoid financial strain. Aim to have a reserve of at least 3 months’ expenses…
Save for emergencies! Aim for 3 months of expenses. Separate personal and property funds. Place in high-interest account. Prepare for life’s curveballs.
Use your bonus wisely: Max TFSA, pay debt, invest, treat yourself wisely, start a side hustle, build emergency fund. Happy investing!
Explore local side hustles like food stalls, property ventures, training, tourism experiences, artsy services, web design, or MLM distributorship. Research profitability and start small.