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How to buy a property using existing assets
Asset-based lending allows individuals to use their investment or crypto portfolios as collateral for property loans, bypassing traditional deposit requirements. Various banks and companies offer these loans with strict criteria based on asset value and type. While this method avoids capital gains tax, risks include potential market fluctuations and the need for collateral reassessment.
Brokstock vs EasyEquities
Brokstock and EasyEquities both offer stocks and ETFs. What are the fees, investment options, account minimums, and platform features? Brokstock is noted for its transparent, low-cost structure, while EasyEquities offers a broader range of investment options, including fractional shares and cryptocurrency.
The best 32-Day Notice Accounts in South Africa
A 32-day notice account is a popular savings product in South Africa, offering a balance between accessibility and higher interest rates. Requiring a 32-day notice before fund withdrawal. Which 32 day notice account is the best?
The Two pot retirement system – what you need to know
In a significant overhaul of its retirement savings landscape, South Africa has introduced the two pot retirement system, set to take effect on 1 September 2024.
South Africa cryptocurrency regulations and legal implications
Cryptocurrencies are regulated by the SARB, but buying and selling is regulated by the FAIS act and the Financial Services and Conduct Authority.
Fedgroup Impact Farming Review – investing in farming and solar
With Fedgroup’s Imact Farming, you can invest in blueberries, nuts, solar and other options. The minimum deposit is R 500, with products starting at R 150
Should I Invest In South African Government Bonds?
Invest in Retail Savings Bonds for guaranteed interest rates. Choose between fixed or inflation-linked bonds for low-risk investment. Happy investing!
Investing in the stock market: Fees and tax
Investment fees can erode returns: AUM, platform, brokerage, transfer, admin fees, hidden spread costs, selling, cash-out, forex, and tax fees.
How to start investing in the stock market
nvesting in the stock market offers opportunities for growth but requires understanding basics, setting clear goals, assessing risk tolerance, choosing platforms wisely, and staying informed for long-term success.
What Is The Difference Between Robinhood And EasyEquities?
Comparing Robinhood and EasyEquities: Robinhood operates on a freemium model with commission-free trading and margin lending, while EasyEquities charges a flat brokerage fee per trade.
Which Cryptocurrency Platform Is The Cheapest? A Fee Comparison
Choosing a crypto platform? Consider fees! Compare EasyCrypto, Luno, VALR, AltCoinTrader, Revix for best returns.
Which investment platform is the cheapest? A fee comparison
Choosing investment platforms in SA? Focus on fees! Compare EasyEquities, Shyft, Clarity, FNB Shares Zero, Franc, Nedbank, & Brokstock for best returns.
Ways To Buy Foreign Currency Legally In South Africa
In SA, comply with SARB rules when buying forex. Use banks, bureaux, or online platforms like EasyEquities and PayPal for convenience.
Investing with EasyEquities: An honest review
So you’re ready to start your investment journey. You want to start investing in ETFs, shares, crypto, and even dip your toes into the world of EasyProperties. Let’s dive into this beginner’s guide to investing with EasyEquities and unlock the potential of your hard-earned rands! What is EasyEquities and how does it work? You’ve done […]
Strategies for Achieving a Work-Life Balance while Pursuing Financial Goals
20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids /antiwork Reddit Life can often feel like someone vomited on an abortion. With financial goals, family responsibility, and the demands of work and spiritual life to maintain, it is fully understandable that we feel overwhelmed. Balancing these can […]
The 10 Best Personal Finance Apps for South Africans
Managing personal finances is easier with mobile apps. Options like 22seven, EasyEquities, and ClearScore offer budgeting, investing, and credit score monitoring.