The list of personal finance resources at your fingertips!
This is my big list of personal finance resources. I have added a lot of information here, other than just all my blog posts about these topics – which I also have! These companies or people will be able to assist you in sorting out your personal finance and making it better.
Though not complete, as there are many more that I have not mentioned, the people on the list are people that I trust and like. And I believe they will be able to help you as well.

Debt and debt management
- Debt Busters – Debt counselling, management, consolidation and management
Budgeting and money management
Investing and advice
- 22Seven – Money management app/tool
- YNAB (You need a budget) – Money management app/tool (Paid service)
- Brendan Dale / Take charge of your money – Guide to Paying Off Debt (Paid course)
Education and research
- Rate Compare – Compare savings accounts, tax on savings accounts
- Finance Ghost – Stock market analysis, financial analysis
- Herenya capital (Petri Redelinghuys) – HCA trading, trade ideas and insights
- EasyEquities blog – education and research on financial instruments (stock market) and crypto
- Louis Nel – Cryptocurrencies
- Andre Bothma – Tax expert (YouTube)
Financial advisors
- Terence Tobin – Registered financial advisor that will not sell you products you don’t need. Priced per consultation or can manage your investments.
Products, services and advice
- EasyEquities – A broker giving you access to invest in ETFs, RAs, stocks, cryptocurrencies (through EC10) with low fees and very transparent. You can invest your TFSA in ETFs through them.
- – online investing for those that don’t even know the difference between an ETF and dividends.
- Sygnia – they offer products such as ETFs, RAs, and other stock market related investing. You can invest your TFSA in ETFs through them.
- Satrix – They offer investment products such as ETFs, RAs, managed funds and other stock market-related products. You can invest your TFSA in ETFs through them.
- 10x investments – they offer low-cost retirement annuities and some unit trusts
- Luno – Exchange that offers Bitcoin, ETH and more! If you sign up with this affiliate link, you will get R25!
- VALR – Exchange that offers BTC, ETH, etc.
- Binance – A well trusted international exchange
- EC10 by DCX/EasyEquities – A crypto bundle that rebalances weekly. Can be bought off EasyEquities
- BitFund – Crypto bundles that rebalances
- Revix – A crypto exchange offering bundles that rebalance monthly, buy/sell BTC and other coins.
- Exodus crypto and bitcoin wallet
Estate planning and tax
- Capital Legacy – Drawing up a free will and get insurance on estate duties/fees
- Wills Factory – creating a will online
- Galileo Advisory Services – Estate planning
- FrugalLocal article – Estate planning for normal people
Insurance and protection of assets
- Naked insurance – get an online quote in minutes, not in hours!
- Pineapple – insurance online
- Brightrock – dread disease cover
Big business money and research
- Fin24 – Business & finance news, stock market and investing
- BusinessTech – Business, finance, news
- MoneyWeb – Business, financial and investment news. Also has audio discussions
Personal finance content in South Africa
- Take charge of your money – Brendan Dale
- Drawing Money – Kay
- StealthyWealth
- Maya on Money – Maya Fisher-French
- Investor Challenge (Travel Bug Bitten) – Investing, FIRE and personal finance
- The finance bunny – Nicolette Mashile (YouTube)
- Small steps to freedom – Financial education for financial freedom (YouTube)
Even with all this information at our fingertips, I highly recommend getting advice on how all of this fits together. This can be exceptionally complicated and you don’t want to die of hunger when you are 65 – and you don’t want your children to discover that your will is not valid.
If you feel you’re adding value in the personal finance space, please send me a message by clicking on contact me, and let’s get the chat going!
Happy investing!